Thursday, September 26, 2013


My top 3 colleges are University of Georgia, Florida State University, and Florida Atlantic University. The degree program I would most likely be studying is marine sciences or marine biology.
UGA- located in Athens, Georgia
FSU- located in Tallahasse, Florida
FAU- located in Boca Raton, Florida

The criteria for my study field is to be open minded and very enthusiastic with under water activities (diving). Many people start out as learning about marine mammals, but some end up studying smaller creatures such as marine bacteria. I must acquire an accrdited college education up to a graduate level and usually a full Ph.D is the standard professional marine bio position. I should also know and understand much about chemistry to see how the real world of the oceans affects the organisms living in it. Mostly likely though, I wouls be taking a marine ecology class in college.

I believe the two out of the 3 universities that I chose as my top schools would follow the criteria I came up with ( FSU & FAU). At UGA I would most likely have to commute to Savannah because it is close to the water and they do have a program that works with students interested in Marine Ecology.

Any additional requirements I have seen before in my study field is the passion you must have for the job, because marine animals can feed off your mood and reactions to things. Also, I should be a good reasearcher and experienced public speaker in order to present new reasearch or findings to others.  An most importantly keep an open mind about this career field.
Any classes I would have to take is Environmental Science, Ap Biology, Ap Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus.
The quality ranking of my top 3 schools all include how much I love the location, UGA is great in athletics, education for my major at both FSU &FAU are very well known and popular, and although UGA is a huge school I dont mind how big it is, and the other two schools are pretty well balanced, and as goes for diversity, youre always going to have a different variety of people at a University or college.

Other professions and graduating programs related to my field include Zoology, Ecology, Marine Sciences, Fishing/ Fisheries, Biology, Environmental Science, and Science Technology.  The  many careers that are in this field are Preserve Managers, Animal Caretakers, Aquauculturists, Envrionemental Scientists, Biological Scientists, and Wild life Techs.

My career field is not considered very popular because of how much money you can make; the price can range depending on what you actually are in the marine life and biology world. Most people say you really have to be in the job for the animals and that you care that much about them, and not for the salary, although that does matter.

3 potential scholarships I can apply for include 1) Tommy Aaron/Charlie Aaron Foundation Scholarship 2) Holcomb Family Education Scholarship 3) Gail Ingram Scholarship

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Motivational Statement

My weekly assignment for Honors Mentorship was determine what my sentence of motivation was and what will navigate my life.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Growing Leaders- Advice to a Would-Be Intern

The article Growing Leaders explains that an internship is not just the latest thing handed to a young person to Tweet about, but rather it should be considered as equivalent to a long job interview where you are evaluated every day.  Every student should take the internship seriously because it gives you a realistic view of what your job may be like in the professional world one day. When you are interning it is a time to learn, observe, be evaluated, and show a good work ethic.  The most imortant qualities mentors look for in interns are responsibility, high energy, teachable personality, and initiative; prioritizing those above the standard talent of the student in their career field.  If an intern shows those characteristics and good attitude while learning on the job, it results in a more positive experience for both student and the mentor.
Readers can access Tim Elmore's blog at

This article was very helpful, and I believe I can apply the characteristics he mentions are most desired in interns.  I think of myself as a very responsible person who takes initiative.  If I have a task to finish or an assignment deadline, most of the time I complete the assignment a few days before it is due.  One way I think I could apply the advice from the article is to not be afraid to ask a lot of questions of my mentor and become actively involved with hands-on activities and tasks my mentor does.  Another important aspect of my mentorship will be to be proactive and volunteer myself to help out wherever needed, even if not asked.

What I found most relevant in this article was that it not only described the behaviors and skills needed for metorship, but it indicates that I can have the chance to show good leadership skills.  I do believe when I am very interested in something, I put forth all my efforts in a way that is visible.  In order to work with animals to help them be healthier and happier, I must be willing to ask questions and show that I am willing to learn all aspects of the area including not only animal care, but also other aspects of the business.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Debt Lesson- Dave Ramsey

I feel like I manage my money very well when it comes to spending. I have two separate bank accounts:  savings and checking.  I rarely take any money from my savings, and with checking I buy gas at least twice a month, pay for some of my car payment, and save the rest unless I have the infrequent urge to buy something for myself.  Most of the time I have at least $100 in my checking account to make my self feel better.

"We do not break the bad habit of debt through earning more money, but rather we break any habit by replacing it with a better one."
I believe this quote means that if people have a bad habit of getting into debt, the solution is not that they need to make more money necessarily, but they should stop spending the money they "don't have."  Most people think their problem is their income, but more than likely it's the way they manage their money.

I think when I get older I should be able to manage my finaces properly and not let my finanacial needs overwhelm me.  It helps a lot that I am a very organized person and I am very thrifty when it comes to spending my money.  Often times too "thrifty" to the point of being called a "scrooge."  Also, my mom handles her finances well and I believe watching the way she handles her money and income can help me form good habits for later in life.

Although money is not everything in this world, it is certainly imperative that we have it to live.  For my major, I realize it is not the highest money making job or career.  From what I have experienced so far in my field over the summer, working with marine animals is not the career for you if you're looking for a high paying job.  I feel like your career path should be a job you enjoy.  Enjoy working with animals and not worry so much about the money.  I have taken into consideration how tight money could be with this job because after all, it is what will be paying my bills.  However,I believe I would enjoy this job enough to deal with and manage the financial side.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What is Ethics?

People can learn ethics from not only family, but also from school, peers, television, and even religious leaders (church).  One can learn a lot about what not to do around their peers such as what is or is not fair in society or what is considered the "right" thing to do.  Television can also attempt to teach or show standards concerning our rights, for example, right to privacy or right to life. You may also think something is accepted or right in society because of family beliefs. Your family has a major impact on what you think is ethical or "what society accepts" to be ethical.

Ethics can be considered as the well founded standards of right and wrong of what humans should do in terms of obligations, benefits to society, terms of rights, or even specific values. Being ethical does not necessarily mean do "whatever society accepts". In order to understand what society accepts, one would have to find out what is acceptable.  Most importantly of ethics is that all standards are supported by consistent and accurate reasons.  Morality on the other hand, is just simply the distinction between what is right or wrong and good or bad behavior. It does not have specific standards to deviate between what is considered right and wrong.  Morality is doing what is "accepted by society" even if society has not defined what is accepted yet.

Some people can be more ethical than others because some are willing to ensure and study their own beliefs and standards, when others do not care to find or search for their own moral beliefs and conducts.  Usually if you are more ethical than another then more than likely you are going to make a more wise decision than the one who does not care to understand about human rights and standards.
People can also follow different codes of ethics depending on what they believe. For Example, one may think abortion is wrong and unethical to society, but others may think abortion is acceptable and okay. Just because one thinks abortion is wrong or right does not necessarily mean they are un ethical or wrong.

An ethical situation dilemma I may face in my work field could possibly be how they interact or deal with some of the animals.  For instance, if a dog doesnt have an owner or if possibly sickly, they put the animal "down" or "to sleep".  Although there is not much I am allowed to do in a situation such as that, but I would possibly try to covince them to let the dog stay longer so he can find an owner.