Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Interpersonal Skills

  1. Culture: How would you describe the culture within your organization (ways in which co workers interact or don't interact) and how does this fit your "ideal" employer?  I feel like my mentorship's employers work very well together and they use teamwork 99.9% of the time. For example, if a technician needs help with a spa, he/she will ask the kennel helper to assist with holding down the dog, clipping nails, etc. This attitude at work I feel is effective in order to get work done and I feel if you are going to work with others you should be a good team member and help others while doing your part. 
  2. Collaboration: Describe the way in which the organization collaborates with other groups in the area.  Although my mentorship is not the only animal hospital in the area, Dr. B makes it important that he respects other clinics located near Chateau Hospital. Also, if there is a case  that is too serious for Chateau,such as serious surgery, they will send the patient to UGA to get helped. CAH also helps with organizations that deal with homeless animals and we help them get healthier to ensure they can find a home. 
  3. Mentoring: In what ways have you experienced or witnessed either informal or formal mentoring taking place within the organization, other than the mentoring you are experiencing? Dr. B ensures that all technicians and staff are properly clothed and no tattoos are exposed for patients to see. He does not like the use of foul language or loud talking at the hospital, but yet when he does converse with his staff about non work business it tends to be informal use of language. The conversations among staff members are also usually informal because they have developed friendships from working together so long. When Dr. B is talking to parents of patients he uses "yes ma'am" and "yes sir" if someone asks him a question; when staff answers the phones, their voices are "trained" to be very cheery and pleasant at all times. 

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