Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bring on the Learning Revolution!

1.  If I had unlimited time and resources, I would study all around the world, such as the different animals,habitats, and culture.  It would interest me because I would be given the opporunity to learn about a whole new different world out there then what's in front of me now.
2.  I believe attitude has more influence, because you could have the worst attitude and the best aptitude but it would not matter because people only see the negatuve way you act, and it takes away from any great or outstanding talent you have. If you show great skills and have an awesome attitude about it, then people are most likely to notice you more and respect you more for it.  In contrast, having a bad attitude can take away from your aptitude and people will only notice how bad your attitude is, and forgey about the skilled aptitude you may have.
3.  I think our current grading system is too standardized and some of the system should be "abolished". I do agree that kids should start learning foreign languages earlier, but  I don't think they should be learning more difficult mathematics or literature in their early years. Also, from middle school to high school, kids take too many standardized tests that really don't matter and that are unimportant. If it were up to me, students would not have to take so manys tests each year. By the time they are seniors in high school they have taken well over 50 tests, and with the stress of the ACT/ SAT and applying for college, they shouldnt have to deal with more stress of school tests. Another important thing I believe should be in school is to create a class that provides tips, important criteria,helps with applying for college,and a test prep class for standardized tests that the states make students take. In order to get into college you must take either the SAT or ACT, and with these helpful classes I feel like it would better prepare students for applying for college, and if a junior takes this class it will give them an advantage for the ACT/ SAT.
4.  I feel honors mentorship has helped with me with my communication skills, because I must contact my teacher(in this case Mrs. K)  if I have any questions or any problems with mentoring. I used to lack in that area because I have always been nervous around professional adults, but this program has really opened me up.  I believe HMP has also helped me with time management and I have realized time does matter and you cant just show up late to your job if you went to bed late the night before, or if you simply just want to get out of bed. Since I am now working in the real world, I work on my mentorships time and not my own personal time, and in the real world I can't show up late or I could get fired.

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