Saturday, August 17, 2013

Making a Good First Impression

In the Business and working world, first impressions are very important.  You always want to come off to the other as an easygoing and friendly person. A great smile, eye contact, and confidence are essential keys to first meeting a "boss," an interviewer for a potential job opening, or in this case a mentor.  If you are expecting be treated well or highly respected, dressing appropriately and being punctual are extremely important. Not only does it show your character, but also tells the person what kind of worker they potentially have. Also, no one wants a worker who is consistently lazy or unenthusiastic while on the job.  People look forward to smiles and people who really know what they are talking about and show they're excited about the job. 

Starting a new job can be difficult at times because of the new changes you will face. Change can mean a new challenge in your life or even less (or more) stress. With a new job or phase there comes several people, questions, and rules. You should always have your social skills ready and handy to work with others. If you disagree with what someone thinks or says, you should be able to have your own opinion, but understand what and when the right time is to state what you think. When people ask you about yourself, always tell them the positive things such accomplishments, goals and projects you have been involved in or any other achievements you think are important.  Most importantly, always be yourself and make a lasting impression.

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